On 18 September, the associations of the Global Vape Alliance met in Dortmund at InterTabac 2024 to present and jointly sign an update to the declaration.

The Global Vape Alliance, founded a year ago, is committed to helping millions quit smoking and improve their health. With members from the U.S., Europe, and China, it promotes switching to less harmful vaping products and supports global health efforts. The Alliance prioritizes youth protection through responsible marketing and aims to balance accessibility with environmental concerns.

One important addition to the declaration is the commitment to combat illegal trade:

  • The Alliance will focus its joint efforts on combating the illegal trade in e-cigarettes. Ensuring the proper regulation of e-cigarettes and creating a viable and diverse marketplace of regulated e-cigarettes is the best antidote to a black market. Products sold on the black market by unlicensed sellers pose a danger to consumers and threaten the business of honest retailers.
  • The Alliance will make significant efforts to take action through international cooperation to target illegal traders who choose to ignore regulatory requirements. The partners of the Alliance will support each other in assisting members and local associations to push for measures with the relevant national authorities that will suppress, if not eliminate, the black market trade.

The update was signed by all four associations: ECCC, UKVIA, VTA and IEVA. Tony Abboud from the US association VTA was unfortunately unable to be there in person in Dortmund, but also signed the declaration.

See the Global Vape Alliance website

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