IEVA Contribution to French TRIS Notification
IEVA - the Independent European Vape Alliance - would like to share its position regarding the draft law prohibiting single-use electronic vaping devices, as notified by France to the European Commission on 21 March 2024, under the reference 2024/0164/FR. According to the statement of grounds submitted by the French authorities, [...]
IEVA contribution to the Spanish consultation
The Independent European Vape Alliance - would like to contribute to the Consulta pública previa para el Proyecto de Real Decreto por el que se modifica el Real Decreto 579/2017, de nueve de junio, por el que se regulan determinados aspectos relativos a la fabricación, presentación y comercialización de los [...]
New studies support the potential of vaping to quit smoking and for harm reduction
Vaping can be a very good support for smokers to quit smoking. And there is also great potential for harm reduction with e-cigarettes. This is shown by two new studies from Germany and Switzerland. Experts from the UK see this as confirmation of the scientific evidence on e-cigarettes. 1. Lung [...]
IEVA’s contribution to Slovenia’s TRIS notification
The Independent European Vape Alliance (IEVA) would like to express its concerns regarding the Slovenian government’s decision to submit the Draft Act amending the Act on Restriction of the Use of Tobacco and Related Products, notified to the European Commission on the 10th of November 2023, under the reference 2023/0636/SI. [...]
Bans on e-cigarettes are fuelling the black market
The British government announced a ban on disposable e-cigarettes on Monday. The aim is to discourage young people from using e-cigarettes. A restriction on the flavours of e-cigarettes was also proposed. Nevertheless, the British government intends to stick to its harm reduction strategy to encourage adult smokers to switch to [...]
E-cigarettes are more effective than traditional Nicotine replacement
The Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews has once again found high certainty evidence that e-cigarettes lead to better chances of quitting smoking than traditional Nicotine Replacement Products (NRP). Since the last update in 2022, ten new studies have been added to the review. Currently, 88 studies with more than 27,235 [...]
IEVA Contribution to the TRIS Notification Lithuania
IEVA - the Independent European Vape Alliance - would like to express its concern regarding Lithuania’s Draft Law No XIVP-2791(2) amending Article 9(2) of Law No I-1143 on the control of tobacco, tobacco products and related products. According to the statement of grounds submitted by the Lithuanian authorities, the law [...]
New Global Vape Alliance Unveiled
Launch marked with a historic Declaration to effect responsible and positive change on a global scale A new Global Vape Alliance has been announced today at InterTabac Trade Fair in Dortmund alongside a groundbreaking declaration to foster collaboration, promote responsible practices, and champion the cause of harm reduction in the [...]
Misperceptions about vaping
A survey published today by Action on Smoking and Health (ASH) in cooperation with YouGov shows that a large number of smokers are not aware of the harm reduction facts about e-cigarettes. The result: Four in ten smokers wrongly believe that vaping is as or more harmful as smoking. ASH [...]
IEVA Contribution to the Dutch Ministerial Decree
IEVA would like to express its concerns regarding the Dutch ministerial decree Amending the Tobacco and Smoking Products Order, presented by the Ministry of Public Health, Welfare and Sports. According to the statement of grounds submitted by the Ministry, the decree intends to “extend existing tobacco product rules to heated [...]
Health professionals should know the vaping facts
700,000 people in the EU die each year as a result of smoking and every second smoker dies 14 years prematurely. [1] Switching to vaping has helped millions of smokers worldwide to significantly reduce the harm to their health. The principle of harm reduction works, and millions more smokers could [...]
World Cancer Day – Decrease smoking rates with reduced-risk alternatives
19.7 percent of the EU population are daily smokers. [1] 700,000 people in the EU die each year as a result of smoking and every second smoker dies on average 14 years prematurely. [2] Smoking is the leading cause of preventable cancer, with 27 percent of all cancers attributed to [...]
2023 – Time to tell smokers the truth
In 1963, the American Herbert A. Gilbert applied for a patent that is considered the forerunner of the electronic cigarette. It took 40 years for the Chinese pharmacist Hon-Lik to further develop this patent in 2003 and enable the production of the first marketable e-cigarette. So next year would be [...]
Chinese and European e-cigarette associations sign Code for Responsible Marketing
The European e-cigarette association Independent European Vape Alliance (IEVA) recently decided to update its Code for Responsible Marketing in order to demonstrate the responsibility of the industry when it comes to youth protection. The "E-Cigarette Professional Committee of China Electronics Chamber of Commerce (ECCC)" now also has signed this code. [...]
IEVA Contribution to the Dutch Draft Amendment
IEVA would like to express its concerns regarding the Draft Amendment of the Tobacco and Smoking Products Order for regulation of e-cigarette flavours, presented by the Dutch Ministry of Public health, Welfare and Sports. According to the statement of grounds submitted by the Dutch authorities, the draft amendment intends to [...]
700 km for Tobacco Harm Reduction – Ride4Vape has started
Umberto Roccatti, vice-chairman of IEVA and president of the Italian vaping association ANAFE, will cycle from Italy to the European Parliament in Strasbourg, for the third edition of the Ride 4 Vape cycling event. Umberto has departed today from Turin and will ride through the Italian, French and Swiss Alps [...]
IEVA Contribution to Spanish TRIS notification
The Spanish Government has recently launched a draft bill that threatens to end the independent vaping sector in Spain and give the entire electronic cigarette business to big tobacco companies. Against all principles of EU law (proportionality, good regulation, good administration, fair competition and harmonisation), the Spanish Government has proposed [...]
IEVA contributes to EU Call for Evidence
The European Commission has published a call for evidence on the evaluation of the legislative framework for tobacco control. To this end, the Commission launched a first round of feedback from May 20th to June 17th. Almost 25,000 organisations, experts and EU citizens took part. IEVA also gave comprehensive feedback. [...]
IEVA Contribution to Swedish TRIS notification
IEVA would like to express its concerns regarding the Draft Act on Tobacco-free Nicotine-containing Products and the Draft Act amending the Act (2018:2088) on Tobacco and Similar Products, both notified by the Kingdom of Sweden to the European Commission on the 17th of March 2022, under the references 2022/158/S and [...]
Vaping facts – European awareness campaign launched
IEVA, the only pan-European vaping association, launched today a new campaign aimed at educating smokers about the harm reduction potential of vaping compared to combustible tobacco. Far too few smokers know the actual facts about e-cigarettes, making them less likely to switch to a significantly less harmful alternative. This lack [...]
French experts call for tobacco policy rethink
16 French doctors, researchers and medical professors have called for government support of vaping, in response to a publication by the French High Council for Public Health last year which was critical of the sector. The article, by addiction researcher Benjamin Rolland and pulmonologist Sébastien Couraud published in Le Monde [...]
EU Parliament becomes the world’s first elected chamber to endorse tobacco harm reduction
The European Parliament on Wednesday became the first elected chamber anywhere in the world to endorse tobacco harm reduction. Parliament adopted - by a margin of 652 votes to 15 - a report on Cancer prevention and Treatment which notes that “electronic cigarettes could allow some smokers to progressively quit [...]
The French Vaping Association FIVAPE has today announced that it is to become a member of the Independent European Vape Alliance (IEVA). IEVA now brings together eleven national associations from Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Romania and Spain; as well as 13 international corporations in the [...]
Vaping industry underlines the importance of product choice
The Independent European Vape Alliance (IEVA) welcomed the decision of MEPs to recognize tobacco harm reduction as a tool in beating cancer; but remains concerned that the report approved today by the European Parliament leaves the door open to a flavour ban in the EU. The Special Committee on Beating [...]
Tobacco Harm Reduction in the Political Consciousness
Harm reduction has been practiced in many fields of healthcare for decades. It has helped many people to curtail their harmful habits, which is good both for them and those close to them. This model has also been successful in mitigating the death and disease associated with smoking. Over six [...]