The Independent European Vape Alliance – would like to contribute to the Consulta pública previa para el Proyecto de Real Decreto por el que se modifica el Real Decreto 579/2017, de nueve de junio, por el que se regulan determinados aspectos relativos a la fabricación, presentación y comercialización de los productos del tabaco y los productos relacionados.

We would like to express our concern regarding the Spanish Ministry of Health’s intention to propose a ban on vaping products’ flavours in a modification of the Real Decreto 579/2017 regulating the manufacture and marketing of tobacco and vaping products.

IEVA believes that a ban on vaping products’ flavours runs several risks:

  • The effective ban of e-liquids in the Spanish market will lead to a boom in black market activities with dangerous, non–compliant products;
  • It will lead to a rise in smoking rates;
  • It will put at risk more than 3,000 jobs in the Spanish vaping industry and would lead to a reduction in government revenues by reducing tax collection.

Overall, IEVA respectfully calls on the Ministry of Health to refrain from imposing a ban on vaping products’ flavours, in the light of the information we provide in this contribution.

See the whole contribution here:


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