


Vaping industry underlines the importance of product choice

9. December 2021|

The Independent European Vape Alliance (IEVA) welcomed the decision of MEPs to recognize tobacco harm reduction as a tool in beating cancer; but remains concerned that the report approved today by the European Parliament leaves the door open to a flavour ban in the EU. The Special Committee on Beating [...]

Tobacco Harm Reduction in the Political Consciousness

3. December 2021|

Harm reduction has been practiced in many fields of healthcare for decades. It has helped many people to curtail their harmful habits, which is good both for them and those close to them. This model has also been successful in mitigating the death and disease associated with smoking. Over six [...]

Tobacco Harm Reduction is critical if we are to reduce smoking related disease rates worldwide

5. November 2021|

Eight million smokers worldwide die from a smoking-related disease every year. [1]  Tobacco Harm Reduction is a chance for smokers to switch from an extremely harmful to a significantly less harmful alternative. [2]  Unfortunately, the WHO has lost sight of this in recent years. But it is not too late [...]

Analysis of the Tobacco Taxation Consultation

5. October 2021|

In June 2021, IEVA and its members participated in the public consultation organised by the European Commission on the review of the Tobacco Taxation Directive. Following the publication of the raw data by the European Commission, IEVA conducted a preliminary analysis of showing the first results. Key facts: The participation [...]

IEVA Contribution to Lithuanian TRIS notification

4. October 2021|

IEVA would like to express its concerns regarding the draft law N° XIIIP-3849(3) amending article 9(2) of Law n° I-1143 on the control of tobacco, tobacco products and related products notified by the Republic of Lithuania to the European Commission on the 8th of July 2021, under the reference 2021/434/LT. [...]

“RIDE 4 VAPE” – campaign to stop the maxi tax on e-cigs in Italy

20. September 2021|

A ride of over 700 km in 4 stages to raise the alarm on vaping supply chain that risks big impact from national law and TED directive After last year’s success, Umberto Roccatti, President of ANAFE (National Association of Electronic Smoke Manufacturers belonging to Confindustria) and Vice-President of IEVA, is [...]

Three things you should know about WHO’s take on the state of global tobacco control

30. July 2021|

The report is not only the product of the WHO. In fact it has been funded by an unaccountable philanthropic organisation headed by Michael Bloomberg. The WHO doesn’t hide the fact that its work has been funded by Bloomberg Philanthropies, which exists to donate to charities and causes favoured by [...]

Launch of new informational website on vaping

15. July 2021|

The Independent European Vape Alliance (IEVA) has today launched an informational website for adult smokers and policy makers who want to learn more about vaping.  The new site is intended to provide basic factual information about vaping products, how they work, and the potential benefits smokers can derive from [...]

Four things about the Commission’s TPD implementation report

7. June 2021|

The European Commission has reported on the application of the Tobacco Products Directive, suggesting that further restrictions on vapers might be proposed. Read the full report here. IEVA is concerned by both the content and tone of the report; and by the potential effect of its conclusions on public health [...]

EU scientific committee ignores the science on vaping

29. April 2021|

The European Commission has today missed an opportunity to bolster its Beating Cancer Plan and recognise the importance of vaping in reducing smoking-related diseases among Europeans. A report from the Scientific Committee on Health, Environmental and Emerging Risks (SCHEER)[1] has failed to compare the risks of electronic cigarette use with [...]

Beating cancer with Harm Reduction

3. February 2021|

The Independent European Vape Alliance (IEVA) welcomes and supports the “EU Beating Cancer Plan” presented today by the European Commission. The plan is extremely important in order to significantly reduce the number of cancer-related deaths. However, the new EU strategy neglects an important instrument for public health: Harm Reduction. Almost [...]

Contribution to the Dutch Consultation on Restriction of Flavours

18. January 2021|

IEVA today submitted a contribution to the Dutch consultation on Restriction of Flavors. Here is the text: More than 29.000 deaths in the Netherlands per year are related to smoking. [1] For those smokers who do not succeed in quitting with traditional nicotine replacement therapy, switching to e-cigarettes reduces smoking [...]

E-Cigarettes flavours ban in the Netherlands endangers Public Health

14. January 2021|

Around 65 percent of adult vapers in Europe use fruit or sweet liquids. [1] The variety of flavours is one of the most important reasons for smokers to switch to e-cigarettes and for vapers not to go back to smoking.  Without paying attention to this fact, the Dutch State Secretary [...]

Submission to EU Excise Duties Roadmap

5. January 2021|

Revising the current Tobacco Excise Directive presents an opportunity to apply the right incentives for current smokers to improve their health; ideally by stopping the use of nicotine altogether, but also by switching to reduced risk alternatives where this is impossible or unlikely for the individual smoker. The inception impact [...]

IEVA Contribution to Danish TRIS notifications

11. December 2020|

IEVA today submitted a contribution to the Danish TRIS notifications. In the context of the implementation of a national action plan against youth uptake of smoking, the Danish Parliament is currently examining L61 proposing a flavour ban for electronic cigarettes. Further restrictive measures on standardisation, labelling, packaging and display of [...]

European survey: 80 percent of vapers stopped smoking completely

29. October 2020|

More than 80 percent of smokers who switched to e-cigarettes have completely stopped smoking. Around 65 percent of vapers in Europe use fruit or sweet liquids. These are two important results of a survey carried out by the European Independent Vape Alliance (IEVA). More than 3,300 european e-cigarette users took [...]

Experts do not link legal vaping products to lung injuries’ epidemic in the United States

30. September 2019|

Over the last weeks, there has been an increased press coverage on cases of lung illnesses in the United States presumably linked to vaping and e-cigarettes. These messages can be misleading and steer the general public and policymakers into wrong conclusions. Current research shows the reported diseases are the result [...]

IEVA welcomes WHO Report but draws attention to several evidence oversights

20. September 2019|

On the 26 July, the World Health Organization (WHO) published its 2019 report on the Global Tobacco Epidemic, themed ‘Offering help to quit tobacco use’.  IEVA welcomes the WHO efforts in eliminating tobacco consumption and supports many of the key findings of the report. We believe there is a need [...]

Vaping can save lives – if regulators let it.

19. June 2019|

Today, 20th June, the first European Harm Reduction Summit takes place in Bucharest. The event hosted by The Association of the Vaping Industry (AIV), with the support of IEVA - Independent European Vape Alliance will focus on the great potential of vaping as a tool to quit smoking. Smokers put [...]

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